Again my apologies for those who read this blog and check it for a new post. My time in blogging is limited, however it is something I desire to continue to do and hopefully will do more often in the future. I pick up where I left off in Romans 5 and what I have called, "Paul's List".
The second "spiritual blessing" that Paul mentions after learning that we are justified by faith by Christ's faith (that is,accomplishing the work of the Cross; the death, burial, and because death could not hold Him and the promise that God would raise Him from the dead, the resurrection) is "we have access by faith into this grace wherein we stand." Christ paid our sin debt on the Cross, but was raised, so that He may offer this gift freely to those who would receive it simply and only by faith and no works. The first "spiritual blessing"; "we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ." Christ is our peace, our peace between Almighty God and us; once sinners. We now have restored fellowship with our Maker, a fellowship that we will touch on more when we talk about our "sonship status" and our "adoption".
Romans 5:2a, By whom also we have access by faith into this grace wherein we stand"
Paul names the second "spiritual blessing" by again recognizing "by whom" it is that "we have" this "access", whom is, THE LORD JESUS CHRIST. This chapter is filled with our identity in Christ, for without His work and what He has accomplished we would be left without justification, let alone any of these "spiritual blessings". It is by Christ that we have access. What is access?
Access in the OT dealt with the priests in the tabernacle/Temple. The priests of Israel only had access unto God and only the High Priest had access into the Holy of Holies, into the very presence of God. Does this mean we are priests today? Frankly we are not priests. The Levitical priesthood was established by the law of Moses in which we are not under today. Paul explains this in chapters 6-8. We are under grace, in fact, we do not need to be priests in order to have access. Most of us today are Gentile sinners and it is in this dispensational and spiritual status that God saves us in, "while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us (Rom. 5:6)." The access we have is given to us by no covenants, but by His grace through faith. Access toward God is something that has been reconciled for us through Christ and is much needed to enjoy the peace that we now have with God our Father. Priests in the OT had to come to the Temple of God for their access, today God resides in the earthen vessel (mortal body) of the believer. Due to this through the Spirit of God our access is unlimited. It is access to enjoy fellowship with no barriers, no sin, no temple, no difference whether a Jew or Gentile today. We are members of the church the Body of Christ established by the grace of God, not priests, but members of Christ's body. This allows the amazing privilege for each member to have unlimited access to God the Father through Jesus Christ our Lord. Access to God is vital to our communion with our Lord and Father; however, this access is not specifically mentioned here, although assumed.
The verse actually states, "by whom also we have access by faith into this grace wherein we stand". This verse is glorious; the grace that saves us provided through the means of the Cross, the grace that provides for our peace with God the Father, is not grace that we are removed from based upon our performance, but is solely based upon "by whom", that is, CHRIST. It is due to His work at Calvary that our access is unlimited, "access by faith into this grace wherein we stand." What is "this grace"? The previous chapters up to this point in Romans has provided for this answer and Paul sums it up for us in 1 Corinthians 15:1-4,
"Moreover, brethren, I declare unto you the gospel which I preached unto you, which also ye have received, and WHEREIN YE STAND; by which also ye are saved, if ye keep in memory what I preached unto you, unless ye have believed in vain. For I delivered unto you first of all that which I also received, how that Christ died for our sins according to the scriptures; and taht he was buried, and that He rose again the third day according to the scriptures:"
The Corinthians were being tossed to and fro by preachers that were really in the snare of Satan. They were teaching that there isn't a ressurection. Paul says if they keep it in memory they will be "saved", not from sin, for they had received and stand in the gospel. They were forgetting and Paul is reminding them trying to lay the foundation he has already established in Romans. "This grace" explained in Romans in which "we stand" is "the gospel" and all it's glorious provisions. It is standing in Christ. He has provided the "full" payment of our sin debt. He has provided His righteousness and credited it to our account. He has provided peace. It is "this grace" wherein we stand. WE STAND IN HIM. It is "this grace" "wherein we stand", but also "have access" to it "by faith". Faith is opposite from works it is an internal response to God's word, it stems from the heart based off the Word of God, and trusts solely in every word of scripture. Faith, since it is internal gives us the freedom no matter what the circumstance to rest in God's provision; in "this grace". It should be a continual thing for if "access" is a "spiritual blessing" it should be one that is greatly taken advantage of. Unfortunately, like the Corinthians one can believe in vain. This does not mean they did not believe, but they don't keep in memory their stand, which causes turmoil both internally and externally.
This instance of Paul talking about our standing is unique. It is just that, our standing; a standing that we did not earn. It is a standing received as it was bought by Christ Jesus. It is a standing that can never be taken away, for it is in Christ and He is RISEN. This is a position. However, in many other passages through Paul's epistles there are exhortations and commands to "stand fast" or "stand". These deal with our condition. They are commands to stand in our standing. We receive our position by faith and we access it by faith. One is our position the other is our condition, this is important to know. The former deals with our justification which once justified it can not be taken away, the latter deals with our sanctification. Utilizing our justification in our every day life and having it impact our inner man, stretching forth to our outer man, and producing the life of Christ.
Romans 5:2a, "By whom also we have access by faith into this grace wherein we stand,"
We have access and we utilize it by faith. It is access into our standing in Christ and the unlimited provisions of the Cross. My hope and prayer is that we all would utilize and rest in the finish work of the Cross. Believe that ALL your sins are forgiven. You are no longer a sinner, but "accepted in the beloved". We have peace with God. If God's says it, it is true. My plea is for all those who read to take hold of these things and be thankful, for it "redounds unto the glory of God".
God Bless and next time we will look at, Romans 5:2b, "and rejoice in hope of the glory of God."
Look Up,
Josh Strelecki
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