Thursday, July 4, 2013


As I was reading through the progressive edificational content for godliness, more and more connections are made. 
In Romans 12:2, Paul explains we will 'prove what is that good, and acceptable, and perfect, will of God'.  In other words, with the instruction to follow in the remaining content of Romans, we are going to try, test, and gain experience with the information as we by 'proving' see and learn the best fit and application for the instruction we receive is.  This 'proving' is fitting for 'the sons of God' (Rom. 8:14-15).  This 'proving'
is going to be the means by which we are 'conformed into the image of Christ (Rom. 8:28-29); therefore, establishing and procuring 'the mind of Christ' and 'the bowels of Christ' in us.  It produces and cultivates 'godliness'; that is, to think like He thinks, live like He lives, and labor together in His business; insomuch, that we can make judgments in the details of our life to the degree that Christ would.  The beauty of continuing through the edification is you see this taking place in Paul in his remaining epistles.  A specific place is in 1Corinthians. 
A blatantly obvious place this is seen is a place that many get confused amd even a place in scripture that many call 'not scripture', because of what Paul says.
1 Corinthians 7:6, "But I speak this by permission, and not by commandment."
This is in perfect accordance of Paul 'proving' the will of God.  In fact, is given 'permission', by the effectual working of our Father's instruction in him, by our heavenly Father to take the sound judgments created by the instruction and give that soundness to the Corinthians.  In this case in regards to marriage.  'Permission' granted because it is the exact judgment God Himself would make.  This passage and many others we, through reading, get a glimpse into the depth and privilege of not only being a 'son of God', but functioning as ones by being able, through the 'renewing of the mind', 'prove' the will of God in the details of life; moreover, in the details of our own lives.
Look Up,
Pastor Josh Strelecki

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Wow! This was such a blessing to read. Thanks Brother! God bless