Tuesday, November 16, 2010

The General Scope of Romans

Romans begins with the revelation of God's wrath and the things man has done and does do (Ecc. 1:9, "The thing that hath been, it is that which shall be; and that which is done is that which shall be done: and there is no new thing under the sun"), to deserve God's wrath. God reveals through Paul the conception of unrighteousness and ungodliness which itself is unrighteous and ungodly; that is, the mind and heart. These (mind and heart) are the inner capacities placed within every man by God, to know and understand Him for who He His: His glory, eternal power, Godhead, and truth. These however, would be changed by man's God given inner capacities due to their fallen nature being in Adam. They attempt to do everything they can to escape God and His judgment: imagining there is no God and that they and/or the animals are, resulting in God's giving them over. This leads to heinous "things which are not convenient", creating in their minds a curve in God's judgment for themselves. A mentality that would say, "look at those people they are worse than me; therefore, I am justified". These "vain imaginations" along with numerous others lead to the indictment against the world: guilty. God then stands in the gap both physically and sequentially in Romans. The middle section of Romans begins where the problem of mankind's downfall began; first the standing before God, (once in Adam, now in Christ) second the inner man, third the standing and inner man bursting forth outwardly. Justification and sanctification are explained by comprehensible and effectual depths. A new reality, influence, source, and life are not only gained in chapter 3-8, but progressively realized; not by sight but by faith. Romans then progresses on from Romans 8:14 onward with the son of God being taught the Father's business and His dispensing of godliness into those who are willing and honourable living sacrificial vessels. A proper attitude toward God, believers, and unbelievers can be received as well as the capacity to bear fruit unto holiness is manifested. The power to walk in good works already established for the son and be the workmanship of His Father is unmatched; given freely by no works of the son, but by the Father's wisdom and adoption. The power of salvation from initial faith to the just living by faith is put on display from Romans 3-16 giving those diligent students of God's Word the eternal scope of its: foreknowledge, predestination, event, effectual working, and future. Maranatha!!!

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